The time-series of shoreline change provided here are derived from satellite shorelines mapped with CoastSat using publicly available imagery (Landsat Tier 1). The following limitations should be considered:
1) Click on a shoreline to visualise the transects at that beach by using the transects button
2) Click on a transect to visualise the time-series of shoreline change (de-meaned).
3) Click back on the shoreline and on the timeseries button to download the data.
4) Click on the summary button to download a site summary (inc. slope, trend).
5) See the Downloads tab for more options to download large-scale data and geospatial layers.
Note that the long-term trend values shown for each beach are an average of the trends along the individual transects.
1) Click on a shoreline to visualise the transects at that beach by using the transects button
2) Click on a transect to visualise the time-series of shoreline change (de-meaned).
3) Click back on the shoreline and on the timeseries button to download the data.
4) Click on the summary button to download a site summary (inc. slope, trend).
5) See the Downloads tab for more options to download large-scale data and geospatial layers.
1) Click on a shoreline to visualise the transects at that beach by using the transects button
2) Click on a transect to visualise the time-series of shoreline change (de-meaned).
3) Click back on the shoreline and on the timeseries button to download the data.
4) Click on the summary button to download a site summary (inc. slope, trend).
5) See the Downloads tab for more options to download large-scale data and geospatial layers.
The beach-face slope values in this dataset refer to the slope between MSL (Mean Sea Level) and MHWS (Mean High Water Springs).
The methodology to obtain the beach-face slope estimates is described in:
Vos K., Harley M.D., Splinter K.D., Walker A., Turner I.L. (2020). Beach slopes from satellite-derived shorelines. Geophysical Research Letters. 47(14)
Click on the dots to popup the metadata for each location.
The Mean Springs Tidal Range was calculated from the tidal constituents as:
MSTR = 2*(M2 + S2 + K1 + O1).
The tidal constituents are extracted from the FES2014 Global tide model described in:
Carrere L., F. Lyard, M. Cancet, A. Guillot, N. Picot: FES 2014, a new tidal model - Validation results and perspectives for improvements, presentation to ESA Living Planet Conference, Prague 2016.
Click on the dots to popup the metadata for each location.
The Mean Deepwater Signicant Wave Height (Hsig) was calculated from the ERA5 reanalysis from ECMWF between 1979-2019.
Click on the dots to popup the metadata for each location.
The Relative Tidal Range (RTR) at each location is calculated as the ratio between the Mean Springs Tidal Range (MSTR) and the Significant Wave Height (Hsig).
This ratio can help determine whether a beach is:
Click on the dots to popup the metadata for each location.
This layer contains the number of images available on Google Earth Engine between 1984 and 2020 from the following collections:
This layer contains the polygons used as region of interest to map shoreline changes with CoastSat.
To download the geospatial layers:
To download the shoreline time-series manually:
You can download shoreline time-series manually by clicking on a beach and using the timeseries button. The beach-face slopes and long-term trends for each transect can be downloaded using the summary button.
To download the shoreline time-series via API:
The time-series are contained in .csv files with the first column containing the dates in UTC time and second column the cross-shore distance from the origin of the corresponding transect. They can be accessed for each transect programmatically with the following URL:$TRANSECT_ID/
where $TRANSECT_ID is the id of the transect in the database.
For example:
This data portal is provided for free to the community to explore and access coastal datasets.
If you find the data useful and would like to support the associated cloud hosting costs, you are welcome to donate a coffee ❤️.
This webGIS application was initially developed by
Kilian Vos
as a PhD at UNSW's Water Research Laboratory (WRL). It has now been improved over many iterations and uses only open-source libraries (Django, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Leaflet).
The shoreline time-series provided here are computed using the open-source
CoastSat toolbox
in automatic mode and the
FES2022 global tide model for applying a tidal correction.
This work was funded partially by WRL and the USGS, with contributions from Kristen Splinter, Mitch Harley and Sean Vitousek (US East coast transects).
For any questions or requests for similar webGIS dashboards, contact Kilian Vos
To learn more about how satellite-derived shoreline time-series and beach slopes were computed, here is a list of useful publications:
Publication | Link |
Full description of the CoastSat toolbox (open-access) | Vos et al. 2019b |
Validation of satellite-derived shorelines against in situ surveys | Vos et al. 2022, Vos et al. 2019a, Konstantinou et al. 2023, Castelle et al. 2021 |
Beach-face slopes from satellite-derived shorelines | Vos et al. 2020, Vos et al. 2022 |
Pacific-wide analysis of satellite-derived shorelines and ENSO | Vos et al. 2023 |
USGS Data release for National Coastal Hazard Assessment | USGS data (NC and SC), USGS data (VA, GA, FL) , USGS data (Gulf coast) |
Data repository with all shoreline change time-series | Zenodo repository |